
Where it all started

I had the chance this week to see where it all started for Adapt. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Maya, Alex, and Henrik:  the best of friends.

The office is nothing short of beautiful. Four floors are filled to the brim with creative, hard-working people, with incredible attitudes towards their work. I can see genuine friendship throughout the office and how it translates into the collective work of the company.

a man working at a computer

As Adapt Americas works almost 100 percent remotely, due to living all over the world, many of us have not met in person. So, the physical office definitely delivers a different vibe. It's really nice to be able to run over to someone's desk for a quick question.

two women working

I'm so grateful for being able to visit the Copenhagen office and for having the chance to meet everyone. My conclusion:  it's most definitely worth working with us just so you can meet these super great people. Oh yeah, and we do quality work.

Nicolaj smiling, like usual.